Tamm Horsfall protein

Tamm Horsfall proteinTamm Horsfall protein
  1. Mechanisms of Tamm Horsfall protein induced tubulointerstitial nephritis


  2. Objective To explore the significance of urine Tamm Horsfall protein coated erythrocytes in the diagnosis of hematuria origin in children .


  3. Objective To investigate the role of cellular immunity in the mechanism of tubulointerstitial nephritis ( TIN ) caused by Tamm Horsfall protein .


  4. Conclusion Detection of urine Tamm Horsfall protein coated erythrocytes was better than erythrocyte morphology method in differentiation of hematuria origin in children and therefore it was worthful in clinical .


  5. Changes of urinary Tamm - Horsfall protein level in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease


  6. Investigation on urinary excretion of Tamm - Horsfall protein in children with renal disease


  7. Clinical significance of measurement of β _2 - microglobulin , Tamm - Horsfall protein and albumin in patients with cor pulmonale
